One of the things I do is usher for the local university at the different events, and last night my husband and I worked the Chris Tolbin concert. This young Christian Rock singer was very entertaining. His music was easy to listen to and most of the show is actual audience participation. He sends a simple message with his music, praise God, and our lord Jesus. His guest speaker during this concert event was Louie Giglio, who spoke on our lord and savior and the molecular connections to him. It was amazing, and powerful. He spoke of the lord, and how in just his breathe, his word, he said let their be light, and of course we have our sun. But then Louie showed how there were 3 other stars many mega sizes larger than our son. He showed a relationship to them using a golf ball as representing the earth and how many earths could fit in our sun and then in the 3 other stars. The last and furthest star from the earth was given the name something Cannis. The something I'm sorry I don't remember the word meant Big and Cannis of course Dog. Louie told us how in just the breathe of our lord he created such light. I cannot justify in my writing the message we heard that night, but it was powerful. He led into how a thing called laminum a human protien that holds everything in our body is the form of the cross. That's right a cross. Amazed. You would be if you had been their to see it. After describing the miracle of creation and showing a slide show presentation of DNA and the formation of the human chromosomes from the parents that come together to make the DNA that makes you and me who we are. I am just simplifying the message he gave, but when you saw the laminum or luminum and you just become amazed. We were shown a diagram of the protein and it was in the shape of the cross. That's right the protien that holds all of our parts together is the shape of the cross. I totally loved the concert and the message meant so much to me as I have been going through some personal problems in my life and it was a great weight off me to hear this message and to have it laid out so plainly in front of me that god is my saviour and that Jesus died to carry the weight of all mans sins. And that who so ever believeth in him too shall be forgiven that message lifted the huge burden that I had been feeling. Then to hear Louie remind me that our heavenly father has already written our lifes out for us and he is here with us and he will take care of it. He does all, we must believe. For if we stop believing in him our world will get harder. When we choose to carry the burden instead of giving it to god then we have eliminated the very reason for his being. He loves us so much he wants us to give him our troubles and not to carry them.
Well a wonderful sermon and a great concert. Peace be to everyone and may god bless each and every one of you tonight, tomorrow, and all the days of our lives. Amen